Plastic bags collecting spots

You’re living in Berkane or its surroundings and you want to be part of the cleaning-up of your region? Collect and bring your used plastic bags to our collecting spots (you can see the list below). Feel welcome to step-by at our offices ; we’ll be honored to show you what we are doing with your colored plastic bags !

1. Schools :

  • Schools in Berkane : Moulouya, Al Massira, Ibn Zaydoun, Imam Chatibi, Salmane el Farissi
  • Primary school in Chouihiya

2. Drugstores :

  • Ouartass, Bachir, Rigad

3. Dry-cleaners :

  • Moulouya, Andalous, Alif Lam, El Wafae

Collecting plastic bags is very fundamental for us to provide the women with raw materials. ADF cleans them and bring them to our craftswomen.

Thanks a lot !


 Carte des points de collecte - ADF

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Eco-friendly gestures for children to take care of their environment

It is essential for ADF to involve new generations in the protection of their environment. As tomorrow’s adults and actors, they should know more about the impacts of  people on nature and how to guard it against deteriorations.

This is why the Association du Docteur Fatiha built meaningful partnerships with schools in Berkane and Chouihiya, both located in Eastern Morocco.

Emmanuelle Pannetier, in charge of the sensitization project here, on the field, and Sabah Ouali, local coordinator, met almost 700 children this month. Each intervention lasts at least 1.30 hours. On the menu : go into more depth on environmental pollution and the risks which are related to it, as well as detail simple gestures to preserve nature.

All those interventions went well : the pupils are always curious and willing to learn more about environmental protection. They will meet our team for other workshops organized in the following months. The next encounter will happen at the end of March, for a recycling activity. Nothing is more fundamental than involving children into the learning process, for them to better understand the impact of their gestures on their daily-life and environment.

A quote to illustrate our approach : “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” Benjamin Franklin

Know more : ADF also set up cleaning campaigns in Berkane’s schools. See the post.

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